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Art. Science. Handcraft.

Astronomical instruments

Armillary spheres, Astrolabes and sundials reflect past millennia and centuries' temporal and cosmic consciousness. Born from the collaboration of scholars and precision craftsmen and often richly decorated, they correspond to the double meaning of the Greek word kósmos:

„Measure everything that can be measured and make measurable everything that cannot be measured.”

Archimedes von Syrakus (c. 287 -212 BC.)

At the beginning of science was the observation of the sky. Understanding the arrangement of the Earth, moon, sun, planets and stars and their movements was crucial for chronology, calendar science and navigation. Thus, over the centuries, not only impressive measuring instruments
were created, but also mechanical models of the universe as the results of basic astronomical-philosophical research. With these fascinating instruments, the findings of the great astronomers and the change in world views can be traced.